Wednesday, October 27, 2010


When I started this I really thought Id be on here most days and typing something...I had no idea that days would go by so fast... so will really try to do better at this...

Just to give a few updates... some of you had been praying for Bridgette and Stacy's family.. well they havent gone to church with us yet, but they have the salvation message along with directions to our church.. I will  keep following up and chatting with them and inviting them as well.. so please keep praying about that.... I dont want to "quench the spirit" when He leads us to witness or invite someone to church... so please pray He will use us and that we would obey His leading.. thx.. :)

My son... he wanted to go to a haunted house this I thought we would try it.. we went last Friday  night and we where in the holding room and it was pitch black.. couldnt see guy with a creepy voice said.. "Welcome..soon they will be coming for you..."  then we heard a clowns horn..that was all it took for David...he wanted out of there and didnt want to go thru.. so we donated the $8.00 to the Cresson fire dept. which isnt bad.. David was upset with himself cause he thought he ruined it for me.. I said, no problem.. I was good.. well this Friday we are trying again but the difference is his best friend Mason is coming along with his dad, mom and brother.. now Jim, Mason's dad, is a big guy and David says he wont be scared cause he will be with us... so this should be really fun.. David and Mason..say they like scary things..but they really dont... lol... will update over the weekend how it went..

1 comment:

  1. I'll be eager to hear how it goes tonight! boys are so funny sometimes!
